Sunday, April 10, 2011


You are my one and only sin
with you I indulge myself.
I lust after you, to have you to myself.
The sight of you, only fuels the fire.
Wrath consumes me when another touches you,
I envy that they can and that I am not one who is able to,
for I am not as close as them.
Pride fills me when you look at me, notice me
because I was able to make you, something about me did.
Hours spent in front of the mirror, preening, I am beautiful
I crow, Vanity consumes me.
Sloth, I become in your presence, I wish to spend as much time around you as I can,
even if you don't know I'm there.
I am glutton for punishment, it seems, because you will never see me in that way.
You are truly evil, even though you don't know it.
Wicked and poisonous,
One taste is not enough.
The antidote is your essence.
You are my one and only sin.

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